Why is there such an in-depth questionnaire for dogs over 10kg? We have a duty of care to our foster carers to ensure the animal we place into their home is not a known risk to their safety and well-being. Because the dogs we take in are not being kept in a controlled environment (a shelter, kennels), we must undertake a thorough assessment to determine their risk potential to the people and pets in the home where they will be staying. While all dogs are capable of causing harm to people, this capability increases significantly with the size and weight of the dog. As a safety precaution, we need to know more about the bigger dogs to determine whether they are appropriate to go into an unfamiliar home with people they have never met. Aggressive dogs will not be accepted into the program for the safety of the foster carer, their family and pets. Please answer the questionnaire as truthfully as you can. If your dog is not suitable for the Pets in Crisis program, we may be able to help with some other options. Manage Cookie Preferences