One of the most common welfare issues RSPCA WA comes across is dogs and cats with unmanaged skin issues.

Skin-related issues are a common problem among our furry companions, and they can cause discomfort and frustration for both your pet and you.

Sometimes treating and finding solutions for skin issues can feel impossible but for the comfort and health of your animal it is absolutely necessary to figure out what is causing the issue.

While most skin conditions require medication and often ongoing vet treatment, there are a lot of ways pet owners can reduce the itchy symptoms of skin issues in cats and dogs to provide them with relief.

Creating an allergen-free environment is the first step to minimising exposure to common allergens such as pollen, dust mites and mould. By regularly cleaning your pet’s bedding, vacuuming your home and using air purifiers you can greatly alleviate symptoms.

Grooming and bathing your pet with a hypoallergenic shampoo can help to soothe their skin and remove allergens. However, be careful not to over-bathe as this can strip their skin of natural oils.

Some skin conditions are worsened by fleas and external parasites, so it is important to stay on top of your pet’s flea and tick treatment.

Diet and nutrition often play a significant role in managing cats and dogs with skin conditions. Identifying and eliminating potential allergens from your pet’s diet can make a big difference.

Ask your vet for recommendations on hypoallergenic or limited ingredient diets to help identify and avoid triggering foods.

If your pet is itching or has a flare up, there are many creams, sprays, and gels available from your vet which can reduce inflammation.

Vet treatment is necessary in most cases but managing your pet’s skin health in between vet visits will likely help in reducing their symptoms.

Chat to your vet in the first instance as they will know best what skin issue your animal is suffering from and what kind of treatment is needed.

If you are currently looking for a furry best friend we highly recommend you research the breed of the dog or cat and see if they are predisposed to a skin condition and take this into consideration.