Friday 25 June is Take Your Dog to Work Day! Mia the RSPCA WA rescued dog helping her owner at workThe best day of the year when employers are encouraged to let their staff bring their four-legged friends into their businesses to recognise the important roles that pets play in their employee’s lives. It's also a great opportunity to promote animal adoption and the rehoming of pets who need it most.

So why should you take your pooch to work? Here some paws-itively good reasons:

1. Stress relief

Studies have shown that dogs in the workplace can relieve stress and create a more comfortable, happier work environment. If you’re feeling the pressure at work, a cuddle from your pooch might be just the thing you need!

2. Making friends and networking

Dogs are the perfect icebreaker for you to get to know your colleagues. Dogs are very sociable and their paws-itive attitudes are a great way to incite conversation with your co-workers and employers. They’re the perfect networking associate!

3. Boost creativity and productivity

Due to the decrease in stress and also the short breaks needed to tend to your pooch’s needs, studies suggest that having a dog in the office can leave you refreshed and more engaged when you’re back at your desk. Not to mention some lunchtime walkies will give you an extra burst of energy!

4. Day out for your pooch where they can make some new friends

Not only is Take Your Dog to Work Day a great excuse to give your pooch a break from the backyard, but it’s also a great opportunity to socialise them with your co-workers as well as their dogs.


Get Involved - take YOUR dog to work!

Do you think your workplace should get involved but you’re unsure how the request might go down with your boss? Click here for a template email you can use to see if it’s a possibility, as well as some things to consider before you bring your pooch into work.

Don’t forget to set up your fund raising page here, and check out our important safety tips to ensure a happy day for everyone, which includes tips on transporting your pooch to and from your workplace, teaching your co-workers how to interact with them, and monitoring your four-legged mate for signs of stress or discomfort.

Make sure to share some pics of Take Your Dog to Work Day on your and your business’s socials and tag us #rspcawa!