9 April 2019

Along with many people in the community, and our colleagues at RSPCA South Australia, we are deeply saddened by the tragic circumstances of this case.

Following the continued spread of misinformation about the Border Collies seized by RSPCA South Australia, RSPCA WA would like to share the facts of the case here.

RSPCA South Australia has provided comprehensive information about the facts of this case on their social media pages and on their website. Dog breeders Colin Ross and Kerrie Fitzpatrick are currently facing 17 animal welfare charges in the Murray Bridge Magistrates Court, so RSPCA South Australia cannot legally share every detail publicly as it could jeopardise the outcome of the case.

Sadly, many people who are attacking RSPCA South Australia have either failed to read this information, have ignored what has been presented, or simply refuse to believe the full account of the situation as presented by the only people who have access to all the facts. They also appear to be able to ignore the fact that both of the accused have previously been convicted for dog breeding offences in Victoria.

Instead, people are taking the words of others, including some media organisations, acting on leaked fragments of incomplete facts, to create distress in the community about how the RSPCA operates in difficult, sad and legally sensitive cases such as this.

Click here to access the full report of the facts by RSPCA South Australia.

All RSPCA societies in Australia, including RSPCA WA and RSPCA South Australia are required to comply with laws in relation to how we enforce legislation, prosecute cruelty, and obtain and spend our money. Our operations are transparent and are accountable. Annual reports, financial statements and up to date rehoming rates are all freely available and easily accessible online.

RSPCA WA relies on community support and generous donations for over 90% of the cost of continuing our animal protection work. Without your support, we would not be able to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome animals from cruelty and neglect in WA. These donations are spent on providing a team of Animal Welfare Inspectors to police the Animal Welfare Act (2002) in WA providing medical and behavioural rehabilitation to animals rescued from abuse and neglect; providing temporary foster care for animals caught in family and domestic violence; and engaging with the community to educate and promote good animal welfare and responsible pet ownership.

Last year alone, your generous donations and support helped us investigate over 6,000 reports of animal cruelty, impacting on the lives of over 10,000 animals.

We welcome questions and are happy to answer any concerns about our policies, practises or positions on animal welfare matters. And if you hear something that you don’t like about us, please ask us about it before sharing it.

If you love animals, if you genuinely care, then work together with us. No person or organisation is perfect, but together we can overcome any obstacles and make new lives for the animals we care about.