30 June 2014

A Boulder woman who failed to take her 14-year-old dog to the vet since it was a young dog was today fined $5000 and banned from having contact with any animal for 10 years in Kalgoorlie Magistrates Court.

On 2nd October 2013 Janine Helen Giblin, 41, was the owner and person in charge of a 14-year-old female Collie cross dog called "Milly" when RSPCA received a complaint about a dog that was laying down in Giblin's yard with froth coming from its mouth.

The caller said Milly was lying on the ground in the sun without shade or water and that the dog was trying to drag itself to a bucket of water located one metre away and also emanating "little barks" which sounded like cries. It was also reported that there was food scattered around the yard but it was covered in flies.

Members of the public took photographs and video footage of Milly and then took her to their own property while they awaited assistance. They noticed the dog had a 'rotten meat' stench coming from her and she was unresponsive to noise or movement. They tried to give her water through a syringe however she was not responding.Milly Collie neglected 2014

The City of Kalgoorlie/Boulder Ranger took the dog to a local vet hospital where Milly was found to be suffering from multiple conditions which included maggots in her anus, deeply sunken eyes, pale gums, a weak pulse and rapid respiration. Milly was also skinny.

During examination Milly lifted her head but collapsed. Due to Milly's critical condition, the treating veterinarian made the decision to euthanase her on humane grounds.

It was the treating veterinarian's opinion that Milly's condition caused her severe pain and that the dog had been neglected over a long period for her to get into this condition. He also noted that this condition could have easily been avoided if Giblin had paid attention to the condition of the dog and taken her to a vet a lot earlier.

In a record of interview with RSPCA at the City of Kalgoorlie/Boulder ranger's office, Giblin admitted that she was the owner of Milly and she had not taken Milly for veterinary treatment since 2004.

"The RSPCA was shocked to hear that this woman had not taken her dog to a vet for 10 years. There is no excuse for letting a dog just rot away like this," RSPCA Chief Inspector Amanda Swift said.

"RSPCA would like to thank the members of the public who notified RSPCA and the efforts of the Shire of Kalgoorlie/Boulder rangers for their attempts to help Milly," she said.

Giblin was also ordered to pay more than $1000 in costs.