Choose the adoption option and help a bird in need

Birds make great pets for families who have limited living space or those who have modest living means. If you live in a flat or by yourself, a pet bird can be an ideal companion.

By adopting a bird from RSPCA, you’re giving an animal in need a second chance at a happy life. And your new feathery friend will reward you with devotion, unconditional love and joy.

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Make an Adoption Appointment

As an added benefit, all birds available for adoption from RSPCA WA are vet checked – helping you be a responsible pet owner right from day one.

While birds are undemanding animals that are very simple to care for, they are highly intelligent animals and do require regular exercise and mental stimulation. It’s important to ensure these needs will be met when choosing how to house your pet birds.

Before adopting a bird, ask yourself:

  • Am I over 18?
  • Am I in a financial position to meet the ongoing costs associated with caring for a bird?
  • Do I have the environment to ensure a bird is safe and secure at all times?
  • Does my current lifestyle allow me quality time to exercise, play and spend time with a bird?
  • Am I committed to care for a bird its whole life?

What will you need for your bird?

  • Water bottle
  • Food
  • A large enough cage for the bird to fly in
  • Bedding
  • Enrichment toys
  • Cleaning products
  • Worm control

All of these items can be purchased from our shelters, with sale proceeds helping animals in need.


Other things to consider before adopting a bird

Birds need companionship: Most birds are highly social, living either in groups or pairs in the natural environment. Pet birds should be housed in groups or pairs of compatible species to ensure their social needs are met.

Spacious housing is crucial: Any enclosure should provide a large space relative to the size of the bird, allowing for free movement and flight. Birds in small cages must have regular access to a flight aviary or opportunities to fly in a safe environment.

Ensure a varied diet: A balanced and varied diet is a must for birds. We highly recommend consulting an experienced aviculturist and bird veterinarian regarding your bird’s nutrition.

Watch their health closely: Birds health is a specialised area and resolving problems can be difficult. Checking your bird’s health regularly is key to ensuring good welfare and preventing disease. Should problems arise, seek veterinary advice as soon as possible.
