Register your interest in adopting a horse from RSPCA

Horses, ponies and donkeys make amazing companions, but caring for all their needs is vital in ensuring they live an enriched and healthy life. In WA, you need to have a Property Identification Code in order to own a horse.


What to consider before adopting a horse, pony or donkey

Equine ownership is often hard work, can involve considerable ongoing expenses and requires you to perform daily chores for the life of the equine. While the reward for this hard work is a wonderful relationship with a beautiful creature, it is wise to consider your capacity to properly care for an equine before adopting.

All equines need:

  • Ready access to fresh water and good-quality feed daily.
  • Social contact with other equines (as herd animals, equines should never be kept alone).
  • Clean, spacious and properly fenced paddocks, with shelter to provide protection from weather.
  • Regular exercise and freedom of movement to stand, stretch and lie down.
  • Regular worming and check ups from a veterinarian, farrier and equine dentist.


Expression of Interest

Horses and ponies in RSPCA care are usually kept with specialist foster carers, and are not available to meet at the Shelter. If you have found a horse or pony available for adoption and would like to arrange a meet and discuss adoption options, please complete the following online form. It will be submitted to our Executive Manager of Animal Services who will contact you directly to discuss your interest further.


Ready to adopt a horse?

Search for a horse

Complete an Expression of Interest form

